"Our doors are open all day, every day, for everybody."
Recovery Ministries
Recovery Ministry
by Lance Armstrong
I have been privileged to be St. Alban’s Chapel representative to the Diocesan Addictions Recovery Ministry Commission since 1999. This ministry welcomes recovering people into the Episcopal community and also helps recovering Episcopalians find a home within the organized church.
Within its mission to the university community, St. Alban’s has embraced the recovery ministry and provided education, guidance, and support for families and students struggling with, or wishing to learn more about, addiction. St. Alban’s is now home to five AA meetings each week in addition to celebrating an annual Recovery Sunday during Eastertide and periodic recovery book studies during Lent. St. Alban’s welcoming attitude has brought a number of people in recovery to our congregation and to our leadership. Twelve Step recovery encourages people to “enlarge their spiritual lives.”