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Advisory Committee - 2017


Since St. Alban's Chapel is a 'mission' of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, as opposed to a 'parish' of the diocese, our chaplain is appointed by the bishop. The chaplain appoints an Advisory Committee to help lead the mission. These appointees serve for three years and are involved in all aspects of the ministry.


Will Monroe, Sr. Warden (2019)

Charlie Mann, Altar Guild (2018)

Evan McMichael, Student Representative (2018)

Jessica Stroope, Pastoral Care (2018)

Colleen Buras, Summer Retreat (2020)

Bob Jacobsen (2018)

Susie Anders (2018)

Andrea Bodron (2019)

Betty Wiles (2019)

Cynthia Edmonston (2020)



















"And whatever you do, in word or deed,

do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,

giving thanks to God the Father through him."

(Colossians 3:17)

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