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Flood Relief

Following the terrible flood of August 2016, St. Alban's Chapel disbursed a total of $13,245 to LSU students whose lives were impacted by the flood (and to several non-students as well). That money came, in part, from the congregation of St. Alban's Chapel. We also received a large donation from Episcopal Relief and Development, through the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana, which was given specifically to support students in need following the flooding. Many thanks to everyone who contributed so generously!


Here is just one of many notes of thanks that we've received from these wonderful LSU students . . .













Dear St. Alban's Chapel,

Thank you so much for the recent generous donation I received after the flood. I cannot tell you how grateful I was to receive the amount of money I did. It took so much stress off me because I was able to use the money to pay off my car insurance, phone bill and pay on my deferred payments to LSU. Since then, I have been managing finances better. I see advisors at the Olinde Career Center in the Student Union to help make a monthly budget to keep myself on track. My academics are also going better this semester than last semester, which is a blessing. I am trying to focus more on my academics this semester than my finances as a result of the money. Also, my house is almost finished, which is very exciting for my family and I. I honestly cannot wait to go back home during the spring break to see the progress made on the house. So again, I would like to extend a HUGE thank you to you and your congregation because without you all, I would not have managed this semester as well as I did. Have a great day!


Much Blessings,

Kenya M. James

Flood Relief Thank You

Hi, my name is Alexander. One Saturday morning this past August, I was awakened by my mother, her voice laden with urgency. Water was coming up the hill to our house and had already invaded our neighbors’ dwellings. With the short amount of time that we had, my parents and I whirled around the house grabbing important papers and a few necessities before evacuating to our neighborhood pre-school which had been designated as a shelter. From the front of the school I watched helplessly as water engulfed my home. At 1:30 AM that Sunday morning the shelter was completely evacuated by airboat because water threatened to enter the buildings. As I pondered all that had happened in the previous hours, I wondered if God had abandoned us, me and my parents, the neighborhood, the city.


Now two months later I still feel the pangs of loss every once in a while. I feel it most when I think of my collection of books now vastly reduced. The books were just things, I know. But I had an emotional attachment to them. Books people had given me, books that had inspired me, every last theology book I owned I lost. Among these books were my textbooks for school. I am an English major at LSU studying secondary education so naturally books, especially textbooks, are crucial to me. Hundreds of dollars’ worth of textbooks for the coming semester had been lost, and I have been struggling to get them back.


In all that has happened I have realized something, though. God hasn’t abandoned me after all. I see him next to me whenever people give me clothes to wear and a place to stay. I see him when people provide for me the means to buy back textbooks to continue my education. This is what you have done. I just wanted to tell all of you who have helped those hurt by the flood, you have made a difference. You are proof that God hasn’t abandoned anyone.



Flood Relief Thank You

by Reagan P. Mitchell

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the College of Human Sciences and Education (CHSE) at LSU. Like many students at LSU, I was displaced from my residence as a result of the flooding in early August 2016. I was able to safely evacuate and find temporary shelter. Upon returning to my residence, however, post receding of the floodwater, I was able to view the scope of the damage. Structurally, my residence required removal and replacement of all the subflooring and flooring. Additionally, my residence required the mandatory minimum removal and replacement of four feet of drywall throughout. I also lost a number of personal possessions, some being: my entire record collection; books and documents related to my field of study; approximately 70 percent of my clothing; and electronics. The loss of these items is minuscule; I have my health, a blessing greater that any material item. I was a recipient of the flood support provided by you and the congregation. I am forever grateful to you all for your kindness and generosity. Currently, I am in the process of interviewing for jobs and the financial support you all provided will aid me in being able to repurchase a number of the books related to my field of study, in addition to proper business attire for the interviews. Thank you so much.



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